Manage Multiple Trading Accounts
on the One Platform!

Get more from MT4 with MultiTerminal!

Do you have or manage multiple active trading accounts? With MultiTerminal for MetaTrader 4, you can manage all your, or your investors’ accounts with a single login.

All Moneta Markets clients can now monitor trades across multiple active accounts on a single platform, as well as manage pending orders, execute multiple trades, and access news updates simultaneously – all from one easy to use platform.

Gain Control Over your Accounts

1. Simple Access
Manage multiple active trading and investor accounts from one, powerful platform.

2. Multiple Order types
Open, modify and close multiple order types simultaneously on all accounts.

3. Stay up to date
Receive live market quotes, financial news, and send messages to accounts.

4. Full trading control
Manually or automatically distribute trade volume by equal or equity distribution.

Why chose MultiTerminal for MT4

MT4 MultiTerminal is the perfect solution for traders and money managers who want to place market and pending orders, access live quotes, monitor account balances, and modify or close positions across multiple trading accounts with a single click in real time!

How to Install MT4

Inizia a Fare Trading in 3 Semplici Passaggi